Angular NgRx

August 15, 2023

What is NgRx?

Angular NgRx is a set of libraries and tools for managing state in Angular applications using the Redux pattern. Redux is a predictable state container pattern that helps manage the state of an application in a more organized and centralized manner, making it easier to maintain and reason about the application's state changes.

NgRx is a framework for building reactive applications in Angular. NgRx provides libraries for:

  • Managing global and local state.

  • Isolation of side effects to promote a cleaner component architecture.

  • Entity collection management.

  • Integration with the Angular Router.

  • Developer tooling that enhances developer experience when building many different types of applications.

NgRx extends the principles of Redux to Angular applications, providing a standardized way to manage application state. It consists of several key libraries:

  1. @ngrx/store: This is the core library that provides the Redux store implementation for Angular. It manages the application's state and provides methods to dispatch actions and subscribe to state changes.

  2. @ngrx/effects: This library enables you to manage side effects, such as making HTTP requests or interacting with external services, in a controlled and predictable manner. Effects listen to dispatched actions, perform asynchronous tasks, and then dispatch new actions to update the state.

  3. @ngrx/entity: This library simplifies the management of collections of entities (e.g., lists of items) by providing utilities for maintaining and updating entity state.

  4. @ngrx/router-store: This library integrates the Angular Router with the NgRx store, allowing you to manage router state within the store and dispatch actions to navigate and update the route state.

  5. @ngrx/store-devtools: This is a debugging tool that provides a UI for inspecting and time-traveling through the state changes in your application. It's incredibly helpful for understanding how actions affect the state over time.

In an Angular application that utilizes NgRx, the basic flow is as follows:

  1. Actions: Actions are plain JavaScript objects that represent events that occur in your application. They describe what happened. For example, an action might be "add item to cart" or "fetch user data".

  2. Reducers: Reducers are pure functions that take the current state and an action as input and return a new state. They describe how the state changes in response to actions. Reducers are the heart of the Redux pattern.

  3. Selectors: Selectors are functions that extract specific pieces of data from the state. They provide a way to access the store's data in a structured manner and can help optimize performance by memoizing the data retrieval.

  4. Effects: Effects handle side effects, such as making API requests or interacting with external services. They listen for specific actions, perform asynchronous tasks, and then dispatch new actions based on the results.

  5. Store: The store is where the application's state is held. It is managed by NgRx and can be accessed using selectors. Components can dispatch actions to the store to initiate state changes.

NgRx is popular in large Angular applications because it enforces a structured and predictable way of managing state, which can lead to improved maintainability, testability, and scalability. However, it also introduces additional complexity, so it's important to carefully consider whether it's appropriate for the scale and requirements of your application.

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